Monday, January 18, 2010

Star Sign Love Compatibility Compatibility Between Star Signs....?

Compatibility between star signs....? - star sign love compatibility

I am a Capricorn (Chinese characters - Snake) and the guy I like is a virgin (Chinese characters - Ox). We understand each other very well, but sometimes it feels too hot and cold. As his colleagues worked well together (sometimes angry and stubborn, but I love the love and care). Not sure that the novel is on the cards, but asking how they would be reconciled. Pls advice.


Acka said...

They are very well tolerated.

Hot and cold, stubborn, frustrating, all the features of the man, absolutely nothing to do with the sign on.

When you hear, go ahead and do his best.

I forgive you for your time as stubborn as I hope you will forgive infruiating for your time.

Men and women are different, speak different languages, knowing the difference will help loads. Do not blame the failure of communication among the stars! - Its all in your hands.

Spike said...

mishulk said...

Both are very practical and well grounded people. You are responsible, reliable and mature. Capricorn is a bit more of a strategy and a plan for success and to develop a practical program for career advancement, while the Virgin is a tendency, more on practical skills and talent has left. VIRGO enjoys a clear, tangible service to others. Your energy mix well, and you can a very effective team in business and trade practices. Maybe your relationship is a bit dry or mundane, especially when the romantic and / or sexual relationships between those who are not very strong. The joy, color and light of life are missing. ...

Virgo affects that part of your solar horoscope, long trips, publications, communications and education. The Mercury in Virgo and Saturn combine to indicate a concerted effort to reach targets at long range. The signs are harmonious, are both on the ground. Virgin May you receive, you are encouraged to improve technic and expand their personal and professional horizons. You can use the Virgin to feel somewhat restricted. They respond by trying to break the routine, the established models. This can be constructive, if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you simply move the boat to safety.

For any other publisher, is the Virgin of advantage. For travel plans and the actual travel costs, the Virgin is a wonderful companion. For higher education, and overcome, the Virgin is a definite asset. What to do on the Virgin, is working on a solid foundation. Otherwise, go hunting for wild geese, moving aimlessly in circles of confusion. With proper preparation, there can be no real breakthrough. But it requires patience and discipline. Know this and plan in detail, be vigilant, check all details and read between the lines. Virgin can can help you, you may have special needs and encourage you to express your views. Virgo is very advantageous for you in any political or popularity poll. Virgin laminar to express their needs, ideas, goals. Most is important to bear the Virgin, the development, planning and lining. With Virgin you can go far - you can break again before. Undoubtedly, this relationship deserves all your efforts. ...

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