Monday, February 15, 2010

Land Line Phone Bill Affect Credit Score They Don't Live Here And Never Have!!!?

They Don't Live Here and Never Have!!!? - land line phone bill affect credit score

I have recently (last 2 years) moved into the house of my grandparents (in Maryland) after his death. I pay the bills and I noticed that some things out. Obviously, some have my "affected" were cousins of my grandparents are with the information (address and phone number) to a loan application to obtain buy auto insurance and cars, etc.. I want to change my permanent address of my house, but I'm afraid to do about it to my credit, insurance, forcing me to take their problems. On a daily basis, my landline (like my grandparents) receive calls from collectors. Who was a nuisance because they hardly my landline and I am seldom at home anyway. But this morning, crossed the finish line, apparently, the countySheriff will serve a the wife of my cousin. Question 1: How do I change my address affect things. Question 2: Is there something I can do legally to solve this problem? I talked with some "criminals" and said they would repair it, but the idea is put in the address of my aunt. A number of facts that people have never lived here, but I think the willingness of my grandparents' to use the address and telephone number. I have no address, telephone number or other, and have just seen, many of them. The only was that I saw in the role of the family from time to time. Most of the information I know about them from hearsay. Yes, theoretically, could, get contact information for familyMembers, but I prefer to keep the members of his family. Trying to protect my bubble here.


chris w said...

Family or not, identity theft of anyone dead or not, is illegal and must be reported to the police. permanently change the phone number and replace the locks on the house as well. Make sure that the death certificates have been properly registered y. Make sure the title (his house) is only in his name.

grannyni... said...

In the U.S., your credit score is based on your Social Security number, no address, so it should not affect your credit for changing their address.

To obtain the phone number we can contact you with the phone company and change, then do not give it to one of his cousins.

webstora... said...

If I correctly understood your message, it smells of identity theft and fraud. His cousins are the falsification of information gain for companies to donate money, cars, insurance, etc.

Are your relatives have a right to the house? Make your grandparents with them? Otherwise, enter into legally binding contracts, that changes what they are, or better said, basically, of themselves as people who are not. And just because they are cousins, not the law.

You have probably committed to the sheriffs office and tell them what I discovered and how long do you think happened. Then, from there.

DEE W said...

Share call the collector, since they do not and have never lived there had no other contact is harassment.

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